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An Experimental Study to Determine the Rasapanchaka of Zornia gibbosa Span

Bipin Vithal Sawant, T S Bairy, Shrikanth P Acharya


Zornia gibbosa Span a member of fabaceae family, locally known as Nellujollusoppu/Haradahacchaga is widely used in the treatment of fracture by folklore practitioners of Udupi district, Karnataka. The present experimental study was carried out to evaluate Rasapanchaka of Zornia gibbosa Span (Samyojaki) by making use of human volunteers and animal experimentations. In order to incorporate the drug in Ayurvedic pharmacopeia it is essential to understand the Panchabhautic composition of Zornia gibbosa. Since Panchamahabhootas are very subtle and complex to understand we use Rasapanchaka to infer the Panchabhautic combination of drug. Rasapanchaka includes Rasa, Guna, Veerya, Vipaka and Prabhava which determine the activity of drug. The concept of Rasapanchaka is the foundation for understanding and predicting the probable mode of action of the drug. In the current study taste was criteria to analyse the Rasa of different parts of drug like fresh leaf and root along with this certain basic formulations like Choorna, Kalka and Kwatha prepared from whole plant. Veerya was assessed by endothermic and exothermic reaction and also with the help of animal experimentation. Vipaka was evaluated experimentally on the basis of action produced by the drug on Dhatu and Mala. Guna were evaluated on the basis of physical parameters and the pharmacological actions of drug. The current study reveals that the drug possess Kashaya Pradhana Tikta Madhura Anurasa, Guru, Snigdha, Sheeta, Picchila Guna, Sheeta Veerya and Madhura Vipaka.

Keywords: Zornia gibbosa Span, Rasapanchaka, Rasa, Veerya, Vipaka, Guna



Zornia gibbosa Span, Rasapanchaka, Rasa, Veerya, Vipaka, Guna.

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