A Glossary Review for Advance Process of Standardization for Ayurvedic Formulations

Subhajit Ghosh, P. N. Murthy, Hanumanthachar Joshi, Jayanthi C.


It’s about the standardization process of world’s oldest medicinal formulation, i.e. Ayurvedic formulation by the utilization of modern concept. A standardization of Ayurvedic formulations is an essential tool for the establishment of a consistent highest biological response, a consistent chemical profiling, or simply a quality assurance process for the production and manufacturing of Ayurvedic formulations. WHO having specific guidelines for the assessment of safety, efficacy and quality of Ayurvedic medicines as a prerequisite for global harmonization, are of utmost importance. An overview covering various techniques employed in extraction and characterization of Ayurvedic formulations as well as Ayurvedic/herbal nano-medicines standardization is reported. In addition, phytosomes increased the bioavailability, bhasma as a metal nano carrier drugs delivery system, potential of metabolomices in the development of important phytotherapeutic agents; DNA based molecular markers in distinguishing adulterants, and SCAR markers for authentication and discrimination of herbal ingredient(s) from their adulterants are reported. Processed metals including mercury, gold, silver, lead, zinc, copper, etc. were used very frequently by seers of the Indian tradition in different disease conditions with great authority.

Keywords: Rasausadhi, Kastausadhi, extraction techniques, phytosomes and pharmacosomes, nano-carrier drug delivery system, SCAR markers, DNA markers

Cite this Article

Subhajit Ghosh, Murthy PN, Joshi H , et al. A Glossary Review for Advance Process of Standardization for Ayurvedic Formulations. Research and Reviews: A Journal of Ayurvedic Science, Yoga and Naturoapthy. 2016; 3(2): 40–53p.


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