Clinical Proof in Support of Efficacy and Drug Identity of Kesh Raksha Oil

Satarupa Mukherjee, Aruna V., Gayathri Rajagopal


Evaluation of the real clinical efficacy and drug identity of Kesh raksha hair oil was done among ISM practitioners and all those who participated in the survey, clearly stated that Kesh raksha oil is not only effective but also essential for the treatment of alopecia and hair fall. Further, they have also stated that they identified Kesh raksha oil as drug of siddha system of medicine.

Keywords: Keshraksha oil, Siddha, JRK, hair fall, Alopecia

Cite this Article

Satarupa Mukherjee, Aruna V, Gayathri Rajagopal. Clinical Proof in Support of Efficacy and Drug Identity of Kesh Raksha Oil. Research and Reviews: A Journal of Ayurvedic Science, Yoga and Naturopathy. 2017; 4(1): 35–37p.


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