Pharmacognostical and Experimental Study of Kaidarya (Murraya Koenigii linn.) w.s.r. to its Shothagna (Antiinflammatory) Karma

Sonali Bihana


Shopha (inflammation) is a chief disease among the diverse ailments that are mentioned in our classics. It is said as an independent disease and also one among symptoms in almost all diseases. Shopha can be compared to edema which is one of the signs of inflammation. Curry leaf or Murraya koenigii Linn. or Kaidarya is an important leafy vegetable widely used in Indian cookeries as a flavouring agent in various food stuffs. The shothagna action of Kaidarya is described in various texts of Ayurveda and modern texts. Hence it is an affordable, cheap and easy available drug. Aims and Objectives: To study Kaidarya (Murraya koenigii Linn.) pharmacognostically and its anti-inflammatory action experimentally. Materials and Methods: The required classics were screened for the literary research regarding the disease shopha and the drug Kaidarya. Pharmacognostical studies were done to determine the macro and microscopic structure of drug. Efficacy of the drug was tested experimentally by carrageenan induced rat paw oedema method using a mercury model rat paw plethysmograph. For CG, i.e., Control Group—Distilled water was given. For SG, i.e., Standard group—Ibuprofen suspension – 0.75 ml/100 g of body weight. For TG, i.e. Test group—Kaidarya swarasa 1 ml/100g of body weight Paw oedema of all the rats was recorded hourly for next 24 h using a pletysmometer. Records were statistically analyzed and conclusion was drawn. Conclusion: Kaidarya swarasa is natural and safe, very easily available and has showed beneficial action on shopha by reducing the inflammation to normalcy within stipulated time and is considered as best among all the groups.   Keywords: Anti-inflammation, Shopha, Kaidarya, Shothagna, edema

Sonali Bihana. Pharmacognostical and Experimental Study of Kaidarya (Murraya Koenigii linn.) w.s.r. to its Shothagna (Anti-inflammatory) Karma. Research and Reviews: A Journal of Ayurvedic Science, Yoga and Naturopathy. 2017; 4(2): 21–26p.

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