Therapeutic Potential of Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.) in Bruhat-Trayi and Laghu-Trayi-A Review

Shashikant Prajapati


Bruhat-trayi and Laghu-trayi are excellent, highly respected and widely used sources of Ayurvedic knowledge. Ayurveda delineates the use of Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.) for the management of different disease conditions. This article reviews the various references of Yashtimadhu in Ayurvedic texts; Bruhat-trayi and Laghu-trayi, regarding its therapeutic uses, different formulations and its prime indication. It is observed that the Yashtimadhu is used in 252 formulations among which 179 and 69 are for internal and external use respectively which are effective in more than 55 disease conditions. Maximum numbers of formulations are reported for their indication in vatarakta (gout), vrana (wound), visarpa (erysipelas), visharoga (poison), netraroga (eye disease), kustha (skin disease), vidradhi (abscess), jwara (fever), rasayana (rejuvenator), vajikarana (aphrodisiac) etc. Yashtimadhu is used in about 22 dosage forms; such as taila (oil), ghrita (fat soluble preparations), lepa (paste), kashaya (decoction), churna (powder), gutika (pills) etc.

Keywords: Bruhat-trayi, Laghu-trayi, Yashtimadhu, Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn., formulations

Cite this Article: Shashikant Prajapati. Therapeutic Potential of Yashtimadhu in Bruhat-Trayi and Laghu-Trayi. Research & Reviews: Journal of Ayurvedic Science, Yoga and Naturopathy. 2015; 2(1): 26–33p.

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