Effect of Munzij Mushil Therapy and Regimenal Modalities in Post Stroke Hemiplegic Patient: A Case Study

Mohd Anwar, S Javed Ali, Suboohi Mustafa, Ayesha Farha


The objective of this case report is to evaluate the effect of unani medicine and regeminal modalities in post stroke hemiplegic patient. The patient was given Munzij mushil therapy followed by regimes i.e. Dalak, Riyazat and Inkebab for a period of one month. The patient was assessed on the Berg Balance Score, Barthel Index and Modified Ashworth Scale before and after treatment.  Significant improvement has been observed after the completion of trail. This case report shows noticeable effect of Munzij mushil therapy along with Regimenal modalities on various parameters in post stroke hemiplegic patient. This may help in exploring new effective regimen for the management of post stroke complication.

Keywords: Munzij mushil, Falij, regimenal therapy, stroke

Cite this Article

Mohd Anwar, S Javed Ali, Suboohi Mustafa et al. Effect of Munzij Mushil Therapy and Regimenal Modalities in Post Stroke Hemiplegic Patient: A Case Study. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. 2017; 4(2): 7–11p.


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