Secret of Dr. JRK’s 777 Oil–Pharmacognostic and Cell Culture Revelation

Madhumathi S, Gayathri Rajagopal, Karthik -, Narasimhan S, Ramasamy -


The metabolites profile of Wrightia tinctoria leaf with reference to their age (young, matured and senescent) was studied by TLC (Thin-Layer Chromatography) and HPTLC (High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography) derivatization. Further, the difference between the young and matured leaf was tested by anatomical and pharmacognostic means. The profile of Dr. JRK’s 777 oil matched fully with the profile of young leaf. The quantitative and qualitative abundance of metabolites was found to be higher in young leaf. The finding suggests the careful selection of raw materials for the superiority of Dr. JRK’s 777 oil. The bio activity studies also proved the above.

Keywords: Wrightia tinctoria, Dr. JRK’s 777 oil, HaCaT cell


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