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Treatment of Migraine with Aura (Ardhavabhedaka) by Nasya and Shanshaman Chikitsa: A Case Study

Mahendra Prasad, Kalpana Mehar


The most popular and efficient system of allopathic medicine provides quick response for the pain and other symptoms, but does not provide the complete treatment. My focus is the study of headache/migraine (ardhavabhedaka) with alternative line of treatment such as Ayurveda, because this stream is complete and provides holistic approach. A 42 year old male patient having complaints of recurrent severe headache and vomiting since 15 years, and diagnosis was made as migraine (Ardhavabhedaka) with aura on the basis of past history and International Headache Society (IHS) guideline. The patient was given certain combination of drugs like sirasuladivajra rasa, ashwagandhachurna, sarasvatarista, anutailam (nasya) as a remedy and pathya as petha, cow ghee and other not pungent quality of substances and life style with avoiding the predisposing factor. The patient was followed up every seven days for 5 months. The frequency and intensity of headache was relieved by using the ayurvedic medicine, pathya and apathya. He was feeling physically and mentally well. The efficacy was assessed by decreasing the pain intensity and frequency of episodic as subjective criteria. Pathya had a beneficial role and apathya were aggravating factors. Shir is a main control system of all body ailments. Alteration in the activity of the shir influences all body tissue, because it has seat of all indriyas (sensory and motor). Our treatment plan was based on vata dominant tridoshashamak principle. Study reveals that withanamides present in it, Ashwagandha can crosses the blood brain barrier and help preventive and therapeutic in induced neurological disorder. Oil is kaphavatashamaka in inserting through nose. Nose is the door of head (shir); that’s why it is called “nasa hi shirshodwaram”. Brahmi plants which mainly contain sarasvatarista possess neuroprotective, nutritive properties and also crosses blood brain barrier. The management of Ardhavabhedaka is Nasya, jangalbhojan, and kshir-annavikriti. Shirsuladivajra rasa has tridoshamaak property. Madhuyashthi is used in headache, has relieving effects due to active ingredients glabridin, it has inhibitory effect on cholinesterase and memory improvement. The ayurvedic medicine has beneficial effect in migraine (ardhavabhedaka) with associated symptoms of nausea and vomiting.


Keywords: Nasya, migraine, aura, ardhavbhedaka, pathya, pitta

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Mahendra Prasad, Kalpana Mehar. Treatment of Migraine with Aura (Ardhavabhedaka) by Nasya and Shanshaman Chikitsa: A Case Study. Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. 2017; 6(2): 12–15p.



Nasya, migraine, aura, ardhavbhedaka, pathya, pitta

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