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Concept of Kshudraroga in Brihattrayi and Laghuttrayi

Rakesh Shukla, Ajit S Verma


Changes in lifestyle like excess pollution, use of synthetic chemicals, and also improper diet due to hectic schedule have increased number of patients with diseases like Khalitya and Palitya. In today’s sophisticated society, external features like hair and skin decide the status of the person and make one more conscious about them. Nowadays, occurrence of a few Kshudrarogas is very high in the society. Their prevalence is experienced everywhere and they cannot be considered as minor in nature and neglected. There is confusion in the Kshudraroga, its number, its definition, its factors like severity of Hetu, Lakshana and Chikitsa. The aim of this paper is to study and classify Kshudraroga from Brihattrayi and Laghuttrayi. Kshudrarogas do not have Doshaja classification (lacking Sankhya Samprapti). They have Hetus and Lakshanas of lower magnitude. Almost all texts of different chronological order have described Kshudraroga with less or more elaboration.



Kshudraroga, Hetu, Lakshana, Chikitsa

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