Management of Hridroga (Cardiovascular Disease) with Simple Ayurvedic Drugs - A Review

Suman Singh, Neha Parmar, Bhupesh Patel


Hridroga is described in detail with their five types in Samhita i.e., Doshaja (Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Sannipataja) and Krimija. In Hridroga many compound formulations as well as single drugs are prescribed by Seers. Sign and symptoms of Hridroga mentioned in Samhitas are almost similar to cardiovascular disease. It includes various diseases such as; coronary heart disease (CHD), cerebrovascular disease (CVD), and peripheral arterial diseases. India alone is burdened with approximately 25% of cardiovascular-related deaths and would serve as a home to more than 50% of the patients with heart ailments worldwide within next 15 years. Thus, present study is an attempt to review and collect simple and effective managements mentioned in seven different compendia of medieval period. From these compendia 18 different formulations were found in which 16 Dravyas are used (i.e., Arjuna, Nagabalamoola, Ela, Yashtimadhu). Arjuna is repeated with different Anupana several times in various texts. In Krimijahridroga, Vidanga is commonly used with various Anupanas by the authors of Vrundamadhava, chakradatta and Vaidyarahasya. Maximum simple formulations are observed in Vrundamadhava (14) followed by Chakradutta (10), Vangasena (9) and others. The recurrence of same formulations in various compendia suggests effectiveness as well as popularity of the formulations. Drugs used in various formulations possess properties like Pachana, Deepana, Hridya, Anulomana, Rasayana and Krimihara. The present review reveals that these simple recipes normalize Doshas and help in preventing Hridroga.

Keywords: Hridroga, Formulation, Cardiovascular, Samhita, Anupana

Cite this Article

Suman Singh, Neha Parmar, Bhupesh Patel. Management of Hridroga with simple drugs- A Review. Research and Reviews: A Journal of Ayurvedic Science, Yoga and Naturoapthy. 2016; 3(1): 12–16p.



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