Physicochemical Analysis of Shauktika Bhasmas Prepared by Different Methods of Marana

Sneha Kubde


Shauktika is the choice of drug having various therapeutic uses in Ayurvedic practice. The present study was conducted to prepare processed Shauktika bhasmas using techniques (Dhamana, 1 Gajaputa and 7 Kumari Swaras Bhavana and Gajputa). Shauktika was subjected to Shodhana in Dolayantra with Nimbuswaras. Bhasma of this suddha Shauktika was obtained by three methods a. Dhamana, b. 1 Gajaputa and c. triturating it with Kumariswaras (Aloe vera Juice) and  then subjected to Gajaputa for seven times for Marana (Incineration) process. To assure the quality of bhasma, Rasa Shastra quality control tests like Nischandratva, varitara, etc. were used. The bhasmas were analyzed for calcium estimation studies. The studies showed that the Shauktika bhasma prepared by Dhamana contained 43.02% calcium whereas Shauktika bhasma (Gajaputa) contain 44.31% calcium. It may be concluded that in pharmaceutical processing Shauktika bhasmas prepared by Gajaputa method is better than Dhamana.

Keywords: Shodhana, Shauktika, Maranaa (incineration) procedures, Kumariswaras

Cite this Article

Sneha Kubde. Physicochemical Analysis of Shauktika Bhasmas Prepared by Different Methods of Marana. Research and Reviews: A Journal of Ayurvedic Science, Yoga and Naturoapthy. 2016; 3(3): 21–24p.


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