The Science of Pesin-The Wonder Drug of Siddha System of Medicine

Amruthavalli G.V, Aruna V., Gayathri Rajagopal


To understand the bioavailability and rate of dissolution of the wonder drug, Pesin was evaluated through an in house developed innovative method. The advantage of method was that the test can be performed on table top just with the help of beaker and glass rod. The findings of the study clearly prove the fact Pesin is indeed a wonder drug. The finger print pattern of Pesin was also established using an advanced technology in natural chemistry – TLC derivatization.

Keywords: Pesin, Dissolution, Siddha, polyherbal

Cite this Article

Amruthavalli GV, Aruna V, Gayathri Rajagopal. The Science of Pesin- The Wonder Drug of Siddha System of Medicine. Research and Reviews: A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. 2017; 4(1): 7–10p.


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