‘Medical Endorsement’ of Dano-anti Dandruff Oil

Satarupa Mukherjee, Aruna V., Gayathri Rajagopal


Dano-anti dandruff oil is a proprietary Siddha medicine of the company. The present study is taken up to revalidate the drug value and the clinical efficacy of Dano-anti dandruff oil. We have conducted a survey among AYUSH practitioners who prescribe the drug Dano-anti dandruff oil to their patients for treating problems like dandruff and scalp disorders. Dano-anti dandruff oil being a Siddha drug, the feedback of ISM practitioners (non-MBBS doctors) on its efficacy assumes great importance. Findings of the study are presented in the paper.

Keywords: Dano, dandruff, scalp disorders, Siddha

Cite this Article

Satarupa Mukherjee, Aruna V, Gayathri Rajagopal. ‘Medical Endorsement’ of Dano-Anti Dandruff Oil. Research and Reviews: A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. 2017; 4(1): 28–30p.


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