Khurfa (Portulaca oleracea Linn.) in Unani System of Medicine and Phytopharmacological Studies: A Review

Salma JY, Nikhat S, Ahmad N, Parray SA, Khan JA


Khurfa (Portulaca oleracea Linn.) also known as common purslane or pusley is an annual herb belongs to the family Portulacaceae. It is commonly found as a weed in cultivated fields throughout India and common in all the warm countries. It is used from centauries by the ancient Unani physicians in urinary disorders, epigastric burning, gastritis, fever and pain in bladder; sozish-e- baul (burning micturition), inflammation of kidneys and bladder, toothaches haemoptysis, intestinal wounds; acts as an-aphrodisiac, anthelmintic. Modern scientific reports has revealed that it possess high nutritional value, anti-oxidant, anti-atherogenic, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and wound healing activities. In the present review paper, description of khurfa in classical literature of Unani system of medicine as well as the recent scientific reports will be summarised.

Keywords: Khurfa, Unani system of medicine, Portulaca oleracea, Purslane, Urinary disorder

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Salma JY, Nikhat S, Ahmad N et al. Khurfa (Portulaca oleracea Linn.) in Unani System of Medicine and Phytopharmacological Studies: A Review. Research and Reviews: A Journal of Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. 2017; 4(1): 11–18p.

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